- Unknown
- Active
- Inactive
- Dissolved
- Suspended
- Voluntarily Dissolved
- Administratively Dissolved
- Revoked
- Forfeited
- Surrendered
- Good Standing
- Merged Out
- Multiple
- Expired
- Cancelled
- Withdrawn
- Converted
- On Notice
- Abandoned
- Dissolved (Bankruptcy)
- Not in Good Standing
- Delinquent
- Administratively Suspended
- Converted Out
- Administratively Withdrawn
- Problem with Filing
- Used
- No Standing, Franchise...
- Struck Off
- In Receivership
- In Liquidation
- Dormant
- Under Process of Striking Off
- Rescinded
- Pending
- Active but Noncompliant
- Withdrawn/Merged
- Void
- Election to LLC/LP
- Flawed/Deficient
- Active and In Good Standing
- Terminated
- Non-Compliant
- Ousted
- Pending Cancellation
- Amalgamated
- In Dissolution
- Administratively Struck Off
- Voluntarily Struck Off
- Liquidated
- Extinguished
- Striking Off By Registrar...
- Striking Off By Request Pending
- Ceased
- Held
- In Administration
- Voluntary Arrangement
- Removed
- Name Change
- Reserved
- Incorporated
- Revived
- Defunct
- In Business
- Voluntary Liquidation
- Duplicate Name
- Deregistration in Process
- Deregistered
- Immatriculée
- Radiée D'office Suite à Une...
- Radiée D'office
- Radiée D'office Suite à Une...
- Administratively Terminated
- Involuntarily Dissolved
- Involuntarily Cancelled
- Parent/Owner Dissolved
- In Process of Converting
- Withdrawn by Merger
- Converted / Closed
- Radiée Sur Demande
- Revoked For Non-Payment
- Liquidated by Court Order
- Converted To LLP
- Gazetted To Be Struck Off
- Approved
- Referred
- Void (Failure to File)
- Pre-registered
- Administratively Cancelled
- Current
- Provisional Liquidation
- Registration Rejected
- Noncompliant
- In Default
- Administrative Receiver
- Compliant
- Automatically Dissolved
- Involuntarily Revoked
- Entered into the register
- Registered
- Private Limited Company
- NZ Limited Company
- Sociedad Limitada
- Sociedad Limitada Laboral
- Private, Limited by Guarantee
- Company Limited By Shares
- Sociedad Anónima
- Private Company Limited By...
- Public Limited Company
- Private Unlimited Company
- Private limited by shares
- Single member private company...
- Private
- Private unlimited with share...
- Public limited company
- Public limited company with...
- NZ Unlimited Company
United Kingdom
New Zealand
New Zealand
New Zealand
New Zealand
New Zealand
New Zealand
New Zealand
New Zealand
New Zealand
New Zealand
New Zealand
New Zealand
New Zealand
New Zealand